jeudi 8 février 2018

Managing Volunteers Well - Benefits for All

by Dr Alistair Boag, University of Queensland, 1998

Volunteers are the lifeblood of any sports betting organisation. Without volunteers to take responsibility and carry out the tasks, the organisation will not operate. It is vital, then, that an organisation is able to attract and hold willing and able volunteers

Develop a systematic approach to volunteers

Appoint a Volunteer Officer who will be responsible
Recruiting, Training, Servicing, Retraining

Volunteer Officers must know what they are doing and must be organised


Plan well - Well ahead
· Successful recruiting means doing your homework before you approach .
· Make sure you know what is needed and have set out a comprehensive plan.
· Plans should be completed well ahead of time

Prepare a booklet which includes:
· Job descriptions for various positions
· Fixtures
· Rules
· Guides for tasks
· Guides for players/participants

Identify likely candidates for positions and prepare to approach them
· Interested
· Capable
Matching the volunteer to a job is vital. Avoid putting a square peg in a round hole and remember, enthusiasm isn't everything.

Make your approach positive:
· Contact prospect in person (not by letter or phone)
· Arrange to speak with prospect at a time when you are certain you won't be distracted
· Explain benefits they will gain from their involvement. What can you offer in return for their help?
       - meet new and interesting friends
       - learn new skills
       - receive greater personal satisfaction
       - be part of a successful team
· Don't promise anything you won't be able to provide.
· Know exactly what you want the person to do.
· Be specific in your request, not just "we need a hand"
· Outline the club and its plan.
· Job description
· Lines of responsibility
· Make clear how much time is involved and over what period
· Never underestimate the complexity of the job or the time required
· Give some time for the prospect to make a decision. Set a date.
· Leave your phone number in case there are questions.
· Follow up initial request on set date - don't wait for them to contract you.


Take plenty of time to introduce the volunteer to the task
· Encourage talks with predecessors.
· Be specific with job description .
· Make sure they understand the club and it's goals

Have a social event to introduce the volunteer to the task
· The Club and it's goals
· The job- outline of duties
· Each other


Continue helping them throughout their office
· Volunteers should feel they are being supported and not being spied upon
· Send them to courses.
· Provide reference publications.
· Continually evaluate throughout season.
       - to make sure they are happy .
       - to ensure they are doing what is wanted
       - this shows the club is anxious to help.


Show appreciation - thank them
       Club newsletters
       News releases and articles
       Naming events or trophies after them


1. Recruit early
2. Identify prospect
3. Personal approach
4. Be specific about job
5. Use effective training methods
6. Provide support
7. Continually evaluate
8. Use imaginative ways of showing appreciation
9. Emphasise the benefits they can gain
       - new friends
       - new skills
       - satisfaction

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